Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Labor of Love


I saw this post about the typhoon Maring where she sits quietly, staring at the disaster she is causing upon the streets of Luzon. She holds a teddy bear, rocking her chair; she reminds me of all the horror films where childrens' minds plans the diabolical schemes in their movies. (Refer to Sharon Needles' Call me on the Ouija Board if you want to refresh your memory of these films)

This storm, thank God, didn't affect our place at all. If it did, as I would joke to concerned friends, there'll be a cloud formation that says, REPENT SINNERS... Houses here were built on the former hills of Rizal, so there's no way... well, plus we have a good drainage system that let's residents sleep well and just consider this typhoon as another torrent that gives us all a good sleep and the energy to help and pray those who are in need.

A good night's sleep was the thing that  I initially was not able to have, because during the storm's first day, a dear friend violated some rules that can really take him out of the current program were in. At first I was outraged as I was seeing him, his eyes blank and not being aware of his actions but what came after was something I was not able to anticipate. I broke down in the middle of the street... I was asking myself, how can this person do this to himself? After all he has gone through, it was a bit hard for me to accept that another person would just click and slide all the way back to his "former" self.

I prayed hard, slept for a few hours and handled it soonest. Grounding myself to the authenticity of his and my actions and reactions. I figured that he was simply crying from deep inside, this certain woeful feeling got to him. It is not without expression would we be able to conquer our lives, conquer who we are... It gives us knowledge of ourselves and allows the God in other people enter us also. In his case, this sorrow enveloped him and well, bad things started to happen.

And I keep on asking myself... Why are all these things happening to me? Is saying, "because I can handle it..." a self-tranquilizing dose to ward off possible pain? I really don't know...

I will just LIVE in the MOMENT. Fine if I am in the question, but fact remains that there is much work that needs to be done... So I'll do that.

But one thing is for sure, I am here because I am here. It is what it is. No point for drama nor apathy. I will continue to Live and continue to Change to better myself... to help others.

All the things I am experiencing right now, is simply my Labor of Love or LoL! :) It is, and can really get painful at times... but by experiencing hurt, I will also fully experience True Love. Like what they say with Vulnerability, one cannot selectively numb emotions therefore if one is to experience and/or risk getting hurt they also feel FULLY, Love and all other emotions. And might I add, FULLY EXPERIENCE LIFE!

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