Sunday, September 13, 2009


For some time now I have been pondering on God's Love because of some "critical incident" that happened one time.

It was when I witnessed people discussing, no, debating about to let in or to let go of someone to move forward. Some of the themes of the discussion were (of course, based of on my understanding):

1. Let go of the person for the greater good.
2. Let him in, all or nothing.
3. Survival of the fittest.
4. Waiting in vain, you also have to move forward.
5. One team!
6. The innocent suffering.
7. The innocent still wanting to uphold the rules of "Life".
8. Suffering as catalyst for change

and comments and feedbacks of the sort.

For me:

Ripping out some cliches and quotes I have formulated something very unique, I think. (I partly read the bible so I don't know if I am violating something. Be kind and tell me if there are things that are contradicting some teachings. Thanks!)

All good comes from GOD so I would like to assume that bad things won't come from Him. Instead bad things are results of bad choices from His gift of freedom. Yes, still it came from Him but it is of our control and stewardship how we can use or exercise such Freedom.

In our Bioethics class, I remember something about Growth through suffering. My question is, do I really need to suffer? No but Yes! I don't think I need to suffer poverty, crimes, have a broken family, a disturbing childhood etc and hope that I become resilient after everything. All these bad things are again for me just a result of bad choices. What I am willing to suffer to grow is how I slowly remove my Ego (Etching God Out as a friend would say). I have personally experienced etching out my ego, it was hard and of course, and up until now it hasn't been fully etched out yet. Such suffering from ego separaton is beneficial for me for, it is this ego that causes me to think about things that at the beginning hmmm... are ok, but if I introspect more and get to the roots, it is just again self-serving and will ignite bigger, I guess more diabolical and self-serving things.

In line is Necessary evil. Again, I don't think God will let us be exposed to negativities that it may create growth. A seed nurtured with hatred and shame will not grow out to be something nice but a seed loved and led the right way will turn to be one of the most beautiful of flowers.

God is the Creator. For me, God is just so creative with His love that wherever we may choose to go, there is still a solution for us to still choose Him. A person who fell in a well as an example. People will of course try to get him and bring him up, as he refuses, the people said to themselves, this one person is limiting our own growth, while this is true, the question of, What would Love > God > Creator > Creative-in-the-creation-of-the-universe-in-all-its-glory do? I know that He would have thought of throwing a rope, giving the man a choice to go up or not... Loving by going the extra mile and always giving chances, providing us choices...

Letting go and letting God. It is such a powerful statement for me because it gives me more freedom actually to let God other than thinking of things, analyzing, sleepless nights, etc. If He wills it then I hope it maybe done on me, I will not resist the signs of times, because such resistance will just cause me pain.

Love and Intimacy. For so long now, I have been praying hard for someone to come my way and be in a passionate, committed and intimate relationship with me, but I guess, I gave up but I will hope. I gave up praying for it because it was just words and fantasies that made me pray, I gave up on the thought that when I pray, tomorrow some guy will smile at me but nothing happens and will just disappoint me, because its tiresome. But that's exactly what I told Him, "I am tired, please take of it, I know you can, I have faith, I hope and I know you love me meanwhile I'll just Do whatever I am called to and can do each day as if it were my last until some day that You will just surprise me! Ha ha ha! I love surprises (and a thought of, can he be like... naaaaaaaah! just Trust!)"

BeCause. Be the Cause. Your doing everything in this world to be the cause of whatever it is you want to create as a being of cause and to be one with the ultimate Cause (of life, love and light).

God's Love. It's boundless. God never gives up not until you gave up on yourself. Hell is choice I guess until death. People who have lived sinful lives but is penitent at judgment will always, I think, be welcome in Heaven.

All these holds true for me as of the moment, and this truth is based on my experiences as a human and a being... if this is not parallel to my Creator's wishes, I know that He will always win me back no matter what.

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