Sunday, August 29, 2010

I'll never be the same, if we ever meet again...

My soul responds to his. There are certain similarities that I share with him and I feel that if ever we (or he chooses to) opt to be with each other towards the journey called Life, I'll surely feel lightest knowing I have a comrade towards the Light. The path towards illumination sometimes can be really lonely, and right now I have to be clear with why I want him so much in my life. I want him, I don't need him, better if there'll be an us, but I turn this over to letting my desire direct my actions without being attached to the results of such. I let go and I let God.

Why don't I want to do it? Such a sensitive matter. I have strong beliefs that if I do it with the same sex, then it's bad. I guess that's what keeps me from totally embracing my gayness. The fact that certain actions will lead me to sin. Having to do such acts of violence towards the body that does not lead to procreation is labeled as something that is taboo by the religious sector. Impositions of the sector led to my upbringing, hence sex is something I have always held back.

I think that he can help me with it. This is the first time I've heard another being telling people (though he is straight?) that sex is also bad. He may have his own issues with such acts but I still would like to think that he can help with it. Why? Because when I was even younger, I asked Him to give someone who can lead me to Him. Is he the one? Again, I wouldn't really know. SO anyway, the question is,do I want to have sex? Yes, but one thing's for sure, I am just bent. I want to go back.

I just want to share with him, just want to watch movie with again, do things and sleep together. Teach kids with him. Have dinner. Tell stories under a blanket. Care for the world. Create music. Create things and leave the world. :)

I would have wanted to write down that it was his issue, but hey! I'll take ownership.

I am not afraid of it. Just vigilant as to whom I'll give it to. Not really over-thinking and not too giving. Ooops! Caught myself there. I'll start sharing even more.

Triangular theory of Love
There are 3 elements, go to wiki:

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